

Howlite: Often known as an ‘attunement’ stone, Howlite can help aid one to higher consciousness and prepares one to receive the wisdom gained through the attunement. Helpful in reducing tension, stress, and anxiety. It can help with insomnia, especially if it is caused by an overactive mind. Holwite can help one formulate ambitions and how to achieve them. It also teaches patience, as well as helping to eliminate pain, stress, and anger. Helps to facilitate awareness and helpful communication. Aligned with Gemini.

Howlite encourages emotional expression and mental awareness. It can help to absorb negative energy and supports greater communication with not only higher frequencies, but our higher selves. It helps to remove veils blocking truth and strengthens positive character traits.

In my own experience, Howlite feels like it lifts a lot of veils for me to see what’s underneath, find hidden information, and stay curious on how to proceed.

Mourning Light Divination, LLC only sells the tools, not the outcome.

All sales final.

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